Dropoff / Pickup Info

Bobcat Family Information for 17th Street Campus

Drop off Procedures/Pick Up Procedures: 


Drop Off: All TK-5th will be dropped off by the main gate near the office. The main gate will be opened before school and afterschool. Parents and families can also walk students to the MPR in the morning if they want but the gates will close at 8:05 am. Please park on the street and walk your student to class.  Please do not block traffic and leave your car unattended. 


Pick Up: Parents can come onto campus after the 2:25 pm bell to pick up students or meet their students on campus. We will have students walk to the top area near the front of the office for pick up. 


ASES students: All students who attend ASES on campus will be picked up near the playground structure after school by ASES staff.  ASES families will pick up their student at Chestnut Street and parents need to check in for ASES through the Chestnut Gate. The ASES After School Program is moving back to its original Glen Speck location at: 1804 Chestnut. The program is on the new campus in 4 portables just west of the school office and can be accessed for pick up on Chestnut Street. The ASES staff will pick up your student(s) after school from their teachers and walk them over to our program.

 If you have any questions please ask your ASES Site Leader Carmen Angel.


Drive through line pick up: Parents can use the drive through pick up line in the parking lot. It is one way and we hope to accommodate around 20 cars. It is similar to other drive through pickups we currently use. We will have an airport style pick up/drop off similar through the parking lot. We ask that if you want to park and walk, please use the street to park so we do not have cars parking and backing up in the line during the busy pick up and drop off. We will learn to navigate the drive through line together. Please make sure you drive slowly through the parking lot and drive less than 5 mph.


Safety: Please be safe and watch for students when driving through the parking lot. You can also have your student meet you at a safe location near school if you do not want to do the drive through pick up. Set a safe meeting location with your child. I recommend this for upper grade students only. The first week will be learning the procedure so please drive safely and watch out for our students. As we learn about our new procedures, please be patient and provide enough time in the morning to navigate our new procedure.